Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gang Gang Dance concert review

When recommended Gang Gang Dance to me, I got a bunch of their stuff but didn't play it except for "House Jam" when it came on on shuffle and I dug it. I saw them live at Hampshire College last night and they were awesome. They started off by handing out bottles of sparkling cider (yum! perfect for cotton mouth) and played a great, somewhat short set. Remember in elementary school when they had those rainbow parachutes with the handles? One of those made it's way over the crowd at some point prompting even more frenzied dancing. It was all-in-all a great experience I'd love to go see them again. I got a t-shirt and asked Liz, the vocalist, to sign it. Dorky, I know, but I think it's a score I mean when they perform in nyc next weekend it'll probably be way too mobbed for a quick "you guys are awesome" chat. Yes, they will be in New York this thursday the 22nd at music hall of williamsburg and the next night, friday the 23rd at terminal 5 with hot chip which is, of course, sold out. I'd totally go see them again I hope they play in new york more this summer which they probably will cause that's where they're from. Will definitely listen to them more now and you should too!

House Jam - Gang Gang Dance

One with the light shined on them
How quickly the glimmer fades
Spread spreading out my stone wings
While I, I become the storm

The finest marble
Like a raven heading for the sun
Spread spreading out my stone wings
While I, I become the storm

Forth from the river with the yellow tide
Don't get toothed at the cliffs
I'm sad, sad about something
And there's no soul left to grate
Feels like overstaying
A welcome that has been denied
Take me to the opium benign
Where the light took time

Steamrollers paved over life
All i can say is what a pin it's been

Will the clouds carry my tears to you
Carry my tears to you
Carry my tears

Will the clouds carry my tears to you
Carry my tears to you
Carry my tears

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